Wednesday Prayers, 28 February 2024

From generation to generation, You are God.20240213_155517
Your love and mercy are unchanging.
May we remember who we are,
and who You are,
and renew our faith in You for the present day and future days.
Teach us how to follow You more closely
and live as citizens of Your Kingdom
even where we are now on earth.

God our Sustainer, Giver of the law, and Giver of faith,
this Lent, may we deepen in our understanding of what faith is
and in what faith can be.
May we draw from its wells and find a resource
that keeps us resourceful, strong and courageous
even when times look at their most challenging.

We pray for our neighbouring congregations:
For Pilrig St Paul’s, St Margaret’s, South Leith, North Leith,
and others in our Presbytery and throughout Scotland;
for churches of other denominations in Leith
and for other Christian groups and organisations
who are trying to do positive things in the community;
be near them, guide them, and give them the inspiration they need
to follow your way in faith.

We pray for projects and individuals who work with young people,
especially those at risk and with trauma;
we pray for those who work with the elderly,
especially those who have dementia or who have physical ailments;
we pray for those who work with those suffering from addiction
and for their families and caregivers.
Be with all who do such important work, often underfunded,
sometimes under-appreciated, usually underpaid or unpaid.
Give them encouragement and hope of change.

And we ask for peace in parts of the world where peace feels a long way off.
We think of Palestine, Ukraine, and other places where people live in conflict and fear.
Bring peace and bless peacemakers there and everywhere.

For all those on our minds at this time, we pray, especially this week for:
Jill, Stuart, Anthony, Amy,
Ron, Evelyn, John C, Eleanor,
John N, Mary, Peter, Emily,
Malcolm, Jean, Ruth,
James, Margaret, Andrew, Jo,
Bill B, Ela, Cath, and Robert H…

Our prayers we bring to You, knowing and trusting
that You hear us and respond to our faith,
however imperfect it may be.
Be with us and with all we pray for, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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